All our oils are of high quality and eventually many sort out their personal favorite. If you are a first-time user, we recommend starting with MELS TWO STRAIN or MELS FIVE STRAIN. The difference between these is the number of varieties the cannabis oil is extracted from.
To know which percentage is best for you, we recommend that you read our Beginner’s guide.
Start with 1-4 drops per dose for the first couple of weeks. This can be distributed 2-3 times during the day, or only in the evening, depending on the purpose. We recommend gradual escalation to give the body’s cannabinoid receptors time to activate and take fully use of the cannabinoids (CBD, CBG, CBC & CBN).

We have identified three different dosages as a guide for symptoms:
Microdose: 5 – 30 mg CBD per day. Can be effective for sleep, headaches, mood swings, nausea, PTSD, stress and metabolic syndrome.
Standard dose: 40 – 100 mg CBD per day. It has been shown to be effective for chronic pain, inflammation, autoimmune disorders, Borrelia, anxiety, depression, arthritis, some mental disorders, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease and autism.
Macrodose: 50 – 800 mg CBD per day. Doses at this level are often used to treat cancer, epilepsy, liver disease and other serious life-threatening conditions.