CBD for cats, dogs and our other four-legged friends.

MELS PETS CBD has been specially formulated to help relieve pain and suffering, promote health and help animals recover from trauma or surgery. CBD can also be given as an aid for nervousness and behavioral problems.

puppies pets

MELS PETS CBD Drops are extracted from 100% organically grown and harvested hemp plants, and are third party laboratory tested for purity, potency and efficacy.

MELS PETS contains CBD / CBDa, 0% THC and is non-psychoactive. The drops are mixed with fish oil, a tasty and nutritious source of Omega 3 that your pets will love.

Customer experiences

What our happy pet owners have to say

Why do many people give CBD to pets?

Symptoms cbd can treat
  • Relief of sore joints / arthritis
  • Relieves anxiety and stress
  • Improve sleep
  • Relief after surgery or trauma
  • Stimulate appetite and digestion
  • Strengthen bones and accelerate the healing of fractures
  • Strengthening the immune system to generally improve health


For normal use, two to four drops a day should be sufficient. In certain conditions you can give your pet up to three drops three times a day.

If it is difficult to give the drops directly into the mouth, they can be dripped on a piece of food or massaged into the skin on the inside of the ears.

The amount of CBD that are ideal for your particular pet can vary since some animals have fewer receptors than others, and you need to find the right dosage and frequency that suits your pet.

WeightDose and strengthProduct
pets 2 weight1-4 drops Small dogs may need up to 3-4 doses per dayPETS CBD drops 2%
pets 5 weight1-3 drops You may need to give a medium-sized dog 2-3 doses per day. Start low and increase gradually.PETS CBD drops 5%
pets 10 weight1-3 drops Medium-sized dogs need about 2-3 doses per day.PETS CBD drops 10%
pets 20 weight1-4 drops Large dogs can take higher doses and may need approx. 2 doses a day. Start low and increase gradually.PETS CBD drops 20%

Buy CBD drops for pets