1. Sabine

    I appreciate all things that help make my life easy. These capsules are fantastic. Quick and easy. I can pop them in my pill box with my other vitamins and take them anywhere. I like how discrete they are, no one knows it’s CBD oil.

CBD Capsules

(21 customer reviews)


Full spectrum and 100% organic CBD capsules that are odorless, tasteless, gelatin-free and non-GMO. Made from organically grown hemp in Europe.

1 capsule contains 15mg CBD.

  1. Sabine

    I appreciate all things that help make my life easy. These capsules are fantastic. Quick and easy. I can pop them in my pill box with my other vitamins and take them anywhere. I like how discrete they are, no one knows it’s CBD oil.

12 in stock

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  • Done 100% natural and organic
  • Done GMO free
  • Done Vegan
  • Done Third party laboratory tested
  • Done Made in Europe
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SKU: cap-15 Category: Tags: ,

MELS CBD capsules contain only 100% full spectrum, quality assured, organic CBD and hemp pollen (also known as kief). They are odorless, tasteless, gelatin-free and non-GMO.

Each pack contains 30 capsules at 15mg per capsule, making this the perfect product for our customers who prefer to take their daily CBD in a quick measured dose. The capsules can be opened and added to smoothies, drinks, yogurt etc. Convenient for traveling and for those who don’t like the taste of the oil.


1 capsule: 350mg hemp pollen, 15mg CBD (pine)

Less than 0.2% THC

Vegetable capsule


MELS CBD CAPSULES are scientifically developed from industrial hemp.

The capsules are produced from crops harvested in accordance with traditional herbal practices on certified organic farms.

Our plants are grown outdoors in natural light and nurtured sustainably without the use of pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers on our secluded farm in the beautiful European countryside.

It is a principle of our fundamental philosophy to protect the environment and not add anything other than the natural power that lies in the plant itself.

Our nurtured crops of fully mature plants are harvested only once a year to allow the full depth and complexity of the beneficial medicinal compounds to fully develop. We employ the same ancient principles used by traditional herbalists down through the centuries and pick our plants for the three days immediately before and during a full moon. This way, we capture the maximum array of the life-enhancing elements of this amazing plant.

Other information

Third-party laboratory tested for potency, purity and efficacy.

Enjoyed by vegans.

Best stored below 25 degrees. Avoid direct sunlight.


Keep out of reach of children. It is not recommended to use the ointment on children under 15 years.


CBD cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. To maintain proper health, you should follow a varied diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Do not give to children, pregnant women or nursing mothers. CBD should not be used simultaneously with antidepressants [SSRIs, SNRIs, MAO inhibitors], antiviral drugs in the case of HIV/AIDS infection or used as part of therapy after organ transplantation.

21 reviews for CBD Capsules

  1. German


    Ich schätze alle Dinge, die mir das Leben erleichtern. Diese Kapseln sind fantastisch. Schnell und einfach. Ich kann sie zusammen mit meinen anderen Vitaminen in meine Pillendose stecken und überall hin mitnehmen. Mir gefällt, wie diskret sie sind, niemand weiß, dass es sich um CBD-Öl handelt.

  2. German


    Der Geschmack von CBD-Öl macht mir nichts aus, aber mein Partner konnte den Geschmack einfach nicht überwinden. Diese CBD-Kapseln ermöglichen es uns beiden, die Vorteile von Mel’s CBD zu nutzen.

  3. German


    Eine einfache Möglichkeit, CBD einzunehmen. Ich leide unter Stress und Rückenschmerzen und sie helfen mir, ruhig zu bleiben und haben meine allgemeinen Schmerzen reduziert. Eine viel bessere natürliche Alternative zu Medikamenten.

  4. German


    Diese Kapseln halten mich ruhig und entspannt und helfen mir beim Schlafen. Sie sind leicht zu schlucken und haben keinen Geschmack, gutes Produkt.

  5. German


    Ich nehme jeden Tag zwei davon vor dem Schlafengehen, um meinen Stress und meine Rückenschmerzen zu lindern. Sie funktionieren wirklich gut und ich schlafe gut. Es fällt mir nicht schwer, morgens aus dem Bett zu kommen und mich glücklich zu fühlen

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