1. Rodney Border

    I was in a car crash 6 years ago and badly injured my neck and back. I’ve suffered with severe pain ever since. My wife bought me this after reading the reviews. Has totally improved my life. My pain has virtually gone, I’m not grumpy anymore, can play with my kids again and my wife is happy. This is a life changing product.


(19 customer reviews)


Full-spectrum 40% CBD oil produced from two different types of industrial hemp in Europe. Organically grown and with gentle CO2 extraction.

1 drop contains 20mg CBD

  1. Rodney Border

    I was in a car crash 6 years ago and badly injured my neck and back. I’ve suffered with severe pain ever since. My wife bought me this after reading the reviews. Has totally improved my life. My pain has virtually gone, I’m not grumpy anymore, can play with my kids again and my wife is happy. This is a life changing product.

1 in stock

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  • Done GMO free
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  • Done Third party laboratory tested
  • Done Made in Europe
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SKU: ts-40 Category:

MELS TWO STRAIN 40% CBD oil has been developed by our research team and is extracted from two unique types of cannabis, each with its own unique spectrum of plant substances. Twice as much complexity that delivers a powerful and potent oil.

MELS CBD oil is organically grown and extracted from fully mature plants in Europe. The oil contains a wide range of cannabinoids (CBD, CBDa, CBG & CBC) and other phytonutrients such as flavonoids and terpenes.

Organically grown. Free of GMOs, pesticides and toxic chemicals.
Tested by an independent laboratory (third party) for purity and potency.
Gentle CO2 extraction for preserving all the properties.


4000mg CBD/CBDA/CBC/CBG full spectrum cannabinoids

Organic hemp extract 6.6g

MCT 3.4g

THC < 0.2% (trace elements)

Click to download third party lab results


MELS TWO STRAIN 40% CBD oil is developed from two different types of cannabis plants, to create a potent CBD oil. The different types have their unique properties which together produce a synergistic and multidimensional effect (Entourage Effect*).

Our customers have reported MELS CBD oil works well for chronic pain, inflammation, arthritis, anxiety, stress, insomnia, tremors, digestion, sleep, neurological problems, acne and many more issues. These are anecdotes and not scientifically based.

MELS TWO STRAIN CBD is an organic raw hemp oil, containing CBD and CBDa, as well as CBG and CBC. Extracted using supercritical CO2 (carbon dioxide extraction) preserving all natural waxes, terpenes and flavonoids. Mixed with MCT oil for better taste and absorption. This CBD oil is truly exceptional.

NOTE! We do not use isolates.

The hemp extract does not undergo any dewaxing or heating process. The natural CO2 extraction process removes most of the chlorophyll, resulting in a golden colour, thick consistency and an intense and natural aftertaste of hemp.

The oil is produced from crops harvested in accordance with traditional practices for growing herbs on certified organic farms. In combination with modern science, our research team of chemists and farmers have been able to deliver a powerful and potent oil. Our plants are grown outdoors on farms in Europe, and cared for in a sustainable way without the use of pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers. It is a principle in our basic philosophy to protect the environment and not add anything other than only the natural power that lies in the plant itself.

We monitor the quality of the products using High Performance Liquid Chromatography, the HPLC method and measure the content of cannabinoids, heavy metals, pesticides and aflatoxin.

With a focus on continuous improvement, we constantly review and upgrade our processes, practices and plant selection to ensure that nothing but the finest organic and sustainable CBD oil leaves our factory.

Other information

Organic, free of GMO, pesticides and toxic chemicals.
Tested by an independent laboratory / third party for purity and potency.
CO2 extracted, preserving all the properties.

Natural consistency with a golden colour, and a light aftertaste.

Enjoyed by vegans.

Storage: Below 25 degrees Celsius. Avoid direct sunlight.

Usage: Please go to the How to Take Our Oils page to view the instructional videos.


CBD cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. To maintain proper health, you should follow a varied diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Not to be used by children under 12 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers. CBD should not be used simultaneously with antidepressants [SSRIs, SNRIs, MAO inhibitors], antiviral drugs in the case of HIV/AIDS infection or used as part of therapy after organ transplantation.

19 reviews for TWO STRAIN CBD OIL 40%

  1. German


    Ich nehme die 40 % nachts. Ich schlafe innerhalb weniger Minuten ein. Das Beste daran ist, dass ich nachts durchschlafe, sodass ich morgens ausgeruht und bereit für einen neuen Tag bin.

  2. German


    10 % ist das perfekte Mittel gegen meine Entzündungen und Schmerzen. Manchmal habe ich Probleme mit Ödemen im Bereich meiner Gelenke. Seit ich Mels nehme, habe ich vergessen, wie schlimm diese Beschwerden früher waren. Wenn Sie Schmerzen kennen, werden Sie versuchen, was Sie können. Nun, ich habe gefunden, was ich brauchte.

  3. German


    Ich hatte vor 10 Jahren eine Rückenoperation und habe seitdem starke Schmerzen. Ich habe von meinem Arzt verschriebene Medikamente eingenommen, die ganz gut wirken, aber meine Schmerzen nicht vollständig lindern und mich schläfrig und verstopft machen. Nachdem ich großartige Dinge darüber gehört hatte, beschloss ich, CBD-Öl auszuprobieren. Mein Arzt sagte, es sei sicher und empfahl mir, es zusammen mit meinen Schmerzmitteln einzunehmen, um zu sehen, ob es eine Besserung gäbe. Nach nur 2 Wochen ließen meine Schmerzen nach, sodass ich meine Schmerzmittel um die Hälfte reduzierte. Meine Schmerzen waren immer noch unter Kontrolle, ich war tagsüber weniger schläfrig und ich bin viel weniger launisch, fühle mich glücklicher, habe viel mehr Energie und bin aktiver. Jetzt nehme ich nur noch ein Viertel meiner verschriebenen Medikamente mit dem Öl und fühle mich großartig.

  4. Norwegian Bokmål

    Oda Giske

    Mindre angst, bedre søvn

    Livet mitt er endret! Har hatt søvnproblemer hele livet men nå kan jeg sove en hel natt uten å våkne, og angstanfallene er helt borte. Anbefales for andre med PTSD ✨️

  5. Norwegian Bokmål

    Rachel Aksmo

    Two Strain 40%

    Vanskelig å vurdere dette produktet som bra eller ikke fullt så bra da det ikke hadde den effekten som ønsket på meg, så kjapt som ønsket. Ønsket bedre søvn og mindre stress i kroppen både under søvn og dagtid, men alt i alt har oppnådd markert bedre hvilepuls💚Fra over 70 til under 55🎉
    Må nok gi det litt bedre tid kanske:)
    Har b.la EDS, ADHD, PMDD=>Med.Menopause, Kronisk Urticaria og Migrene. Alt dette forverres av stress, trenger å få en forbedret HRV som pr nå er gj.sn 40..


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