1. Boris

    I am a chronic pain patient and have insomnia as well as some anxiety and a struggle not to get depressed. I know many in the same situation and want to help them to a better life. Anyway, thanks for a wonderful product that is legal and potent


(21 customer reviews)


Full-spectrum 40% CBD oil produced from five different types of industrial hemp in Europe. Organically grown and with gentle CO2 extraction.

1 drop contains 20mg CBD

  1. Boris

    I am a chronic pain patient and have insomnia as well as some anxiety and a struggle not to get depressed. I know many in the same situation and want to help them to a better life. Anyway, thanks for a wonderful product that is legal and potent

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  • Done GMO free
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  • Done Third party laboratory tested
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SKU: fs-40 Category:
MELS FIVE STRAIN 40% CBD oil has been developed by our research team and is extracted from five unique types of cannabis, each with its own unique range of plant substances. Five times more complexity results in a powerful and potent oil. MELS CBD oil is organically grown and extracted from fully mature plants in Europe. The oil contains a wide range of cannabinoids (CBD, CBDa, CBG & CBC) and other phytonutrients such as flavonoids and terpenes. Organically grown. Free of GMOs, pesticides and toxic chemicals. Tested by an independent laboratory (third party) for purity and potency. Gentle CO2 extraction for preserving all the properties.

4000mg CBD/CBDA/CBC/CBG full spectrum cannabinoids

Organic hemp extract 5g

MCT 5g

THC < 0.2% (trace elements)

Click to download third party lab results

MELS FIVE STRAIN 40% CBD oil is developed from five different types of cannabis plants, to create a potent CBD oil. The different types have their unique properties which together produce a synergistic and multidimensional effect (Entourage Effect*). Our customers have reported MELS CBD oil works well for chronic pain, inflammation, arthritis, anxiety, stress, insomnia, tremors, digestion, sleep, neurological problems, acne and many more issues. These are anecdotes and not scientifically based. MELS FIVE STRAIN contains a spectrum of cannabinoids (CBD (cannabidiol), CBDa (cannabidiol acid), CBG (Cannabigerol) & CBC (Cannabichromene). Extracted using supercritical CO2 (carbon dioxide extraction) preserving all natural waxes, terpenes and flavonoids. Mixed with MCT oil for better taste and absorption. This CBD oil is truly exceptional. NOTE! We do not use isolates. The hemp extract does not undergo any dewaxing or heating process. The natural CO2 extraction process removes most of the chlorophyll, resulting in a golden colour, thick consistency and an intense and natural aftertaste of hemp. The oil is produced from crops harvested in accordance with traditional practices for growing herbs on certified organic farms. In combination with modern science, our research team of chemists and farmers have been able to deliver a powerful and potent oil. Our plants are grown outdoors on farms in Europe, and cared for in a sustainable way without the use of pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers. It is a principle in our basic philosophy to protect the environment and not add anything other than only the natural power that lies in the plant itself. We monitor the quality of the products using High Performance Liquid Chromatography, the HPLC method and measure the content of cannabinoids, heavy metals, pesticides and aflatoxin. With a focus on continuous improvement, we constantly review and upgrade our processes, practices and plant selection to ensure that nothing but the finest organic and sustainable CBD oil leaves our factory.
Other information

Organic, free of GMO, pesticides and toxic chemicals.
Tested by an independent laboratory / third party for purity and potency.
CO2 extracted, preserving all the properties.

Characteristics: Natural consistency with a golden color and a light aftertaste.

Enjoyed by vegans.

Storage: Below 25 degrees Celsius. Avoid direct sunlight.

Usage: Please go to the How to Take Our Oils page to view the instructional videos.


CBD cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. To maintain proper health, you should follow a varied diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Not to be used by children under 12 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers. CBD should not be used simultaneously with antidepressants [SSRIs, SNRIs, MAO inhibitors], antiviral drugs in the case of HIV/AIDS infection or used as part of therapy after organ transplantation.

21 reviews for FIVE STRAIN CBD OIL 40%

  1. Spanish


    Llevo una vida ajetreada y estresante con un trabajo de tiempo completo y 3 hijos que mantener. Siempre me siento estresado y cansado y me cuesta dormir. Probé esta cepa de fuego cbd después de leer que es el primer aceite del mundo elaborado a partir de 5 plantas de cannabis, así que pensé que debía ser bueno y que valía la pena probarlo. No me decepcionó. Tomo un par de gotas antes de acostarme y con el desayuno y los resultados han sido asombrosos. Estoy más relajado y menos estresado. Duermo toda la noche y me siento fresco y con energía para comenzar el día. Ha marcado una gran diferencia en mi vida y mis hijos han notado una gran diferencia en mi estado de ánimo. Estoy muy feliz.

  2. Spanish


    No me gusta tener que tomar medicación, así que la evito a toda costa. Pero estoy en la edad en que algo tiene que ceder. Me duele solo levantarme y sentarme. Cosas que solían ser fáciles, ahora tengo que tener cuidado. Ahí es donde entran las cinco cepas. Mi luz al final del túnel. Es fácil, es rápido, funciona y la mejor parte: ¡es totalmente natural, sin pastillas!

  3. Spanish


    Un muy buen aceite de cbd de alta calidad. Increíble que sea el primer aceite con 5 variedades de plantas de cannabis, para que sepas que obtienes los mejores efectos de cada planta. No más dolor de espalda para mí, duermo como un bebé, me siento relajado y mucho más feliz.

  4. German


    Ich bin ein Patient mit chronischen Schmerzen und leide unter Schlaflosigkeit sowie Ängsten und dem Kampf, nicht depressiv zu werden. Ich kenne viele in der gleichen Situation und möchte ihnen zu einem besseren Leben verhelfen. Wie auch immer, vielen Dank für ein wunderbares Produkt, das legal und wirksam ist

  5. German


    Das war echtes Schießpulver! Ich nehme nur 1 Tropfen vor dem Schlafengehen. Sehr empfehlenswert. Die letzte Flasche, die ich hatte, war 20 % und ich habe vor dem Zubettgehen 3 Tropfen unter die Zunge getrunken.

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